Release - 2024-02-27
10 months ago by Scale AI
- Edit TOML file via UI: Super admins can now edit the TOML file directly from the admin portal, providing a more convenient and user-friendly experience.
- Bug Fixes:
a. Broken router in dataset info: The useEffect issue has been resolved, and the related code chunk can be deleted.
b. Abstracting KB service to reduce ingestion service clutter: Repeated logic around calls to KBs has been moved into its own service/module structure, improving code organization and reducing clutter.
Significant Alterations: - Models service - bumped ML Flask fed requirements.txt: The broken ML Flask build process for ScaleGov has been fixed by pinning sentence_transformers version with pip-compile.
Categorization: - User Interface Changes:
- Edit TOML file via UI
- Bug Fixes:
- Broken router in dataset info
- Abstracting KB service to reduce ingestion service clutter
- Significant Alterations:
- Models service - bumped ML Flask fed requirements.txt